14 апреля состоится фонетический мастер-класс от Романа Матвеева - переводчика, кандидата филологических наук, преподавателя немецкой вокальной фонетики в Молодежной оперной программе Большого театра России.

Wednesday, 4 April 2018

On April 14, as part of Global Dialogue Forum a phonetic master class is to take place, the master class facilitator being Roman Matveev, Interpreter, PhD in Philological Sciences, German Phonetics Teacher for the Young Artists Opera Program of the Bolshoy Theatre.

Clear articulation, good voice quality and vocal control are both the calling card and the key to success of a professional interpreter. 

The goal of the master class is to help an interpreter prepare to work properly with his or her voice. The master class will feature respiration, articulation and vocal exercises.


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